Advanced Abilities ~ 50% OFF

 Advanced Abilities ~ 50% OFF 1.2.9

Advanced Abilities ~ 50% OFF

⚠ 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11 & 1.12 ⚠
Tested in: Spigot & PaperSpigot


Improve the pvp in your server, players will be able to get abilities to make the pvp more interesting, not all abilities are to pvp, there are abilities to get more blocks on mining, to reduce the damage of some events like fall, potions, resistance and others. Also you can add custom abilities (You need to understand a little bit of java), plugin has 14 abilities. Take a look at videos.

The plugin supports the most minecraft version used (1.7 to 1.12), It also is very configurable, you can edit/add/remove anything, plugin has more than 10 files to configurate.

Advanced Abilities supports MySQL and SQLite(local), if you have a big network you can use MySQL to players can have similar abilities in all servers of your network.

If you have a survival, factions or one game mode like one of these, you can use RPG system; players will need to get XP to level up instead of buy abilities like in the money system (default system). You can configute the xp that players need to level up, each level has custom XP amount to level up. There are '11' events to get XP that you can configure, you can edit/add/remove all rewards of all events! Rpg has a 'booster/multipliers' system to you can give advantages to VIP players or players with ranks, players will be able to get more exp than a normal player, you can create infinity boosters...


If you have a survival/faction server I recommend you this system, this will make your server more entertaining, players will have to kill mobs, kill players, mining, and more to get EXP, each level has a custom requirement of XP, players have to reach the requirement to level up! The RPG has a 'booster/multiplier' system to you can give an advantage to players with ranks.

These are the events:
Code (Text):
kill_player break_block, hit_mob_by_arrow_shot, hit_player_by_arrow_shot
fall_damage, tick_fire_damag, tick_fire_damage, tick_fire_damage
block_damage, block_projectile, kill_mob

Watch the video:


Create holograms of player stats where you want, you don't need a plugin to do this!

If you want to use HolographicDisplays instead of AdvancedAbilities holograms then you can hook it to the plugin from the hologram configuration.


Main features:
  • Abilities: the plugin has 14 abilities, you can add more abilities using the API, these are all abilities: [Triple arrow shot, Adrenaline boost, Feather weight, Aggressive mode, Arrow tank skin, Antidote, Legendary protection, Vampire mode, Mining luck, Woodchopping luck, Pirate, Fire resistance, Explosive arrow, Sword push].
  • Version support: This plugin is compatible with the most used versions (1.7.10 to 1.10). Other plugins have problems with versions but this one support many server versions.
  • GUI: for the moment there are 2 menu types, one of these is 'icons' you can set this type if you want only the logo instead of levels items in the menu, the other one is 'default', this is the classic menu with levels items and logos. Each type has a configuration in menus folder.
  • Selector menu: you can use the selector menu to players can select their abilities and them buy or leveling them. You can add custom limit per permission.
  • Fully adjustable: you can edit everything, you can edit: titles, descriptions, items, slots, names, animations, times, and more! Take a look at files.
  • Economy: Advanced Abilities has a good economy system, you can set any money type (currency) to any price. The plugin has 'Vault' and 'PlayerPoints', but if you use other money system you can hook it to AdvancedAbilities from de API.
  • Secondary system: you can set one of these types: [MAX_ABILITIES, CLASSES] as secondary system; use MAX_ABILITIES if you want to players can select their abilities with a limit (limits are by permission, it's nice for vip players); use CLASSES if you want to players can select their classes.
  • Storage: there are 2 storage types, one is 'local', if you use this then player abilities will be saved in the local database (SQL). The other one is 'mysql', if you use this then player abilities will be saved in MySQL's database.
  • Holograms: you can create holograms to players can see their abilities stats.
Others features:
  • Custom purchase: in this plugin the money is not the only way to pay, you can add money, items and xp (vanilla), for example you can do that players have to pay with items instead of with money, also you can do both.
  • API: you can create your own abilities and you can hook your money system to Advanced Abilities from the API!
  • Locations: the plugin supports 'Factions' and 'WorldGuard', you can disable any event to regiones, factions or worlds.
  • Languages: the plugin contains 4 files of translations: english, spanish (español), spanish (Español-Argentina) and portuguese (Português).
  • Discounts/Multipliers: you can do discounts/multipliers for players with ranks, take a look at 'player-settings.yml' file.


Triple arrow shot:


Explosive arrow:

Sword push:

Thor's axe - API


Plugin has 14 default abilities, you can add custom abilities with API, the ability made by api willb e added into "abilities_api" folder, in that folder you can modify the material, description each level, the logo, price, currency-type, 'permission to buy' and 'buy by items', like a default ability. If you don't understand how to make an ability pm me, I will help you, these are the default abilities:

  • Triple arrow shot: Shoot 3 arrows at the same time.
  • Adrenaline boost: When you get hurt by arrow have the chance to get a speed boost.
  • Feather weight: Take less fall damage.
  • Aggressive mode: Do more damage when you have less than 5 hearts.
  • Arrow tank skin: Take less damage from arrows.
  • Antidote: Reduces damage caused by potion
  • Legendary protection: Have a possibility to reduce damage.
  • Vampire mode: Regain some health when you kill a player.
  • Mining luck: Mining skill is increased so you can get more from each ore.
  • Woodchopping luck: Woodchopping skill is increased so you can get more from logs from a single piece.
  • Pirate: Find hidden treasures in dirt.
  • Fire resistance: Take less fire damage.
  • Explosive arrow: Shoot explosive arrows.
  • Sword push: Chance to push the close entities.


  • /abilities menu - Opens abilities menu.
  • /abilities open - Opens the menu to a player.
  • /abilities rpg - See your rpg stats.
  • /abilities stats - See your stats. (abilities levels)
  • /abilities reset - Resets player stats.
  • /abilities menu page <number> - Opens a page of abilities menu.
  • /abilities reset confirm - Confirms the reset process.
  • /abilities rpg player - See the player selected rpg stats
  • /abilities help - Opens help page.
  • /abilities stats player - See player selected stats.
  • /abilities hologram create - Creates hologram in your location.
  • /abilities hologram list - See the hologram list.
  • /abilities hologram remove - Removes a hologram.
  • /abilities select - Select your abilities.
  • /abilities select <player> - Opens the select menu to a player.


These are the 'static' permissions, you will more editable permissions in configuration files.
  • advancedabilities.* - all permisions in one.
  • advancedabilities.admin - permission to create holograms, reset stats, open others, more...
  • advancedabilities.stats.other - permission to see the stats of a player.
  • - permission to open the selector menu.
  • - permission to open the selector menu to a player.


Now you can add CUSTOM-ABILITIES, and CUSTOM-ECONOMY on your server!, Look the wiki and api for more information. if you have a doubt contact me for private message!.

Click here to download the API.


  1. Drop AdvancedAbilities.jar into your plugins folder.
  2. Start your server to generate plugin folder.
  3. Stop your server and go to plugin folder (/plugins/AdvancedAbilities/).
  4. Read all files and adjust the configuration as you want.
  5. Start your server, that's it!


By downloading this plugin, you agree to the following terms of use.

  • You will not -Redacted-/resell/forward/send this plugin to anyone for any reason.
  • You will not decompile this plugin (modifications).
  • You will not post requests for support or report issues on the reviews section.
  • You will not permitted to reverse engine or modify the plugin in any form.
  • You are not allowed to upload the plugin to a page.

If you don't respect the rules, you will banned..


  • qiuMC - 20$
  • Particlees - 13$ (
  • VortexNetworkPVP - 7$ ( BETA)
  • Laer - 6$ (
  • XNekio - 0,5$ (


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