TrollPlus [1.9]
TrollPlus [1.9]

TrollPlus is a light-weight plugin coded by NickDEV. It has more than 50 commands and a lot of features. The plugin is highly customizable (Config down below). If you find a bug / glitch please send me a PM. Enjoy and thanks for using this plugin!


/trollplusࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏDisplays the plugin version.
/trollplus help <number>ࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏOpens TrollPlus help menu. (5 pages)
/optroll <player>ࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏSends op message to the player.
/deoptroll <player>ࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏSends deop message to the player.
/demotroll <player>ࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏOpens demo menu to the player.
/voidtroll <player>ࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏTeleports the player into the void.
/lifttroll <player>ࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏLifts the player in air and drops him.
/dirttroll <player>ࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏReplaces all the items in the players inventory with dirt.
/burntroll <player>ࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏLights up the player.
/titletroll <player> <title>ࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏSends the title to the player.
/explodetroll <player>ࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏCreates a fake explosion and kills the player.
/switchtroll <player1> <player2>ࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏSwitches the players location.
/jointroll <player> <user>ࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏSends the fake join message to the player.
/leavetroll <player> <user>ࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏSends the fake leave message to the player.
/droptroll <player>ࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏForces the player to drop an item.
/freezetroll <player>ࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏFreezes the player with a funny reason.
/cleartroll <player>ࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏClears the player's inventory.
/starvetroll <player>ࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏSets the player's hunger bar to 0.
/laggtroll <player>ࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏMakes fake lagg for the player.
/slaptroll <player> <normal/strong> ࠏࠏࠏSlaps the player. (strong or normal)
/pumpkintrolll <player>ࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏGives a pumpkin on the player's head.
/hacktroll <player>ࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏKicks the player with a hack reason.
/drunktroll <player>ࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏMakes the player drunk.
/publicinvtroll <player>ࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏOpens the player's inventory to all the players online and they can take stuff.
/switchtimetroll <player>ࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏSwitches the player's time
/potatotroll <player>ࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏGives a holy potato to the player.
/disarmtroll <player>ࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏBreaks the player's armor.
/achievementtroll <player> <achievement> <global/private> Broadcasts a fake-achievement.
/badspellingtroll <player>ࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏMakes the player type funny.
/blindtroll <player>ࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏAdds blindness effect to the player.
/slowtroll <player> ࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏAdds slowness effect to the player.
/poisontroll <player>ࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏAdds poison effect to the player.
/chattroll <player> <message>ࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏForce chats the player.
/commandtroll <player> <command> ࠏࠏForce commands the player.
/traptroll <player> <obsidian/bedrock>ࠏ Traps the player in a cage.
/webtroll <player>ࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏTraps the player into cobwebs.
/rotatetroll <player>ࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏRotates the player's head.
/lightningtroll <player>ࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏSmites the player.
/gangtroll <player> <monster>ࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏSpawns monsters around the player.
/bombtroll <player> <time>ࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏMakes the player explode in x seconds.
/stoptroll <player>ࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏKicks the player with a stop reason and sends a fake stop message to the player.
/tnttroll <player> ࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏSpawns a tnt near a player.
/burytroll <player> ࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏBuries the player under the ground.
/paytroll <player> <amount> ࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏSends fake money to the player.
/screamtroll <player>ࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏࠏPlays a loud scream sound to the player.


Click on the spoiler to see the list of permissions.


If you want to use colors in the config use this symbol: § (alt + 21)
Example: blind_message: §cThis is an example for color red.


#                  TrollPlus coded by NickDEV.          
#     The most powerful troll plugin in the entire universe!
# Here you can configure the plugin as you want. If you want to
# disable some messages set their value to false. Example:

# enable_pumpkin_message: false

# You can also configure all the messages as you want. Example
# of how you can change the message:

# spam_message: CHANGE THIS TEXT

# Please do not configure the plugin when the server is running.
#    If you find any bugs report them to NickDEV. Thanks! <3

# Message that is sent to the target on /traptroll <player>
trap_message: §aYou have been trapped.
enable_trap_message: true

# Message that is sent to the target on /webtroll <player>
web_message: §aYou have been trapped by a spider.
enable_web_message: true

# Message that is sent to the target on /rotatetroll <player>
rotate_message: §aOuch!
enable_rotate_message: true

# Message that is sent to the target on /dirttroll <player>
dirt_message: §aDirt is fine too! - NickDEV
enable_dirt_message: true

# Message that is sent to the target on /explodetroll <player>
explode_message: §aYou have exploded.
enable_explode_message: true

# Message that is sent to the target on /pumpkintroll <player>
pumpkin_message: §aYou now have a pumpkin on your head.
enable_pumpkin_message: true

# Message that is sent to the target on /voidtroll <player>
void_message: §aYou have fell into the void.
enable_void_message: true

# Message that is sent to the target on /gangtroll <player> <monster>
gang_message: §aMonsters are attacking you be carefull.
enable_gang_message: true

# Message that is sent on /healtroll <player>
heal_message: §aYou have been healed.
enable_heal_message: true

# Message that is sent to the target on /cleartroll <player>
clear_message: §aYour inventory has been cleared.
enable_clear_message: true

# Message that is sent to the targets on /switchtroll <player1> <player2>
switch_message: §aYou have switched positions.
enable_switch_message: true

# Message that is sent to the target on /starvetroll <player>
starve_message: §aYou are now starving. Good luck!
enable_starve_message: true

# If the player has lagg troll enable this message is going to get sent often.
message_on_lagg_move: §aYou are lagging really hard.
enable_message_on_lagg_move: true

# Message that is sent to the target on /droptroll <player>
drop_message: §aYou have dropped an item.
enable_drop_message: true

# Message that is sent to the target on /lightningtroll <player>
lightning_message: §aYou have been striked by a lightning.
enable_lightning_message: true

# Message that is sent to the target on /slaptroll <player> <normal/powerful>
slap_message: §aYou have been slapped.
enable_slap_message: true

# Message that is sent to the target on /publicinvtroll <player>
publicinv_message: §aThanks for donating your items.
enable_publicinv_message: true

# Message that is sent to the target on /nighttroll <player>
night_message: §aThe night has fallen.
enable_night_message: true

# Message that is sent to the target on /disarmtroll <player>
disarm_message: §aYour armor has been broken.
enable_disarm_message: true

# This is the kick reason on bantroll. (/bantroll <player>)
ban_message: The Ban Hammer Has Spoken.

# This message is going to be sent to the player as spam message. (/spamtroll <player>)
spam_message: This is 100% not spamming.

# Blindtroll configuration
blind_message: §aYou have been blinded.
enable_blind_message: true
# Blind effect (time in seconds)
blind_time: 30
blind_power: 2

# Slowtroll configuration
slow_message: §aYou are now slow.
enable_slow_message: true
# Slow effect (time in seconds)
slow_time: 30
slow_power: 2

# Poisontroll configuration
poison_message: §aYou are now poisoned.
enable_poison_message: true
# Poison effect (time in seconds)
poison_time: 30
poison_power: 2

# Drunktroll configuration
drunk_message: §aYou have drank too much.
enable_drunk_message: true
# Drunk time (in seconds)
drunk_time: 25

# Brodcasttroll configuration (/bctroll <player)
# You can use %target% and it will be replaced with the target's name.
bc_message1: §aServer noob of the week is %target%
bc_message2: §aThis server loves %target%
bc_message3: §aServer is closing, because of %target%
bc_message4: §aWe will reset the world tomorrow. Thanks for understanding.
bc_message5: §aThe idiot of the week is %target%
bc_message6: §aThanks for donating %target%!
bc_message7: §aPlease use xray on the server.
bc_message8: §aWe will ban everyone that doesn't use hacks.

# HolyPotato configuration
potato_message: §aGod gave you a Holy Potato.
enable_potato_message: true
# Potato effect (time in seconds)
potato_time: 30

# Freezetroll configuration (/freezetroll <player>)
freeze_message: §aYou have been frozen.
enable_freeze_message: true
# When frozen, message on move:
message_on_freeze_move: §cPlease disable your hacks and stop hacking.
enable_message_on_freeze_move: true

# Burntroll configuration (/burntroll <player>)
burn_message: §aYou have been light up.
enable_burn_message: true
# How long should the player burn? (in ticks)
# 1 second = 20 ticks
burn_ticks: 80

# Bombtroll configuration (/bombtroll <player> <time>)
bomb_message: You are going to explode in %time% seconds.
enable_bomb_message: true
# Message that is sent x second(s) before explosion.
bomb_message_1: §c1!!!
bomb_message_2: §c2!!
bomb_message_3: §c3!
# Message that is sent on explosion.
bomb_message_on_explode: §cBOOOOM!!!

# TNTtroll configuration (/tnttroll <player>)
tnt_message: §cTNT has been activated!
enable_tnt_message: false
tnt_time: 4

# Bury configuration (/burytroll <player>)
bury_message: §aRest in peace. (R.I.P)
enable_bury_message: true
# Grave design (use 1 or 2)
grave_design: 1

# Plugin version (Do not change this!)
version: 1.5


If you find any bugs please report them as soon as possible. Don't report them in the comment / review section, because I won't repond to bug reports there. Send me a private message and I will do my best to respond and fix the bug as soon as possible.


We can improve the plugin together contact me and send me your ideas. If the idea is good it will be added in the new version.
  • godswordtroll
  • herobrinetroll
  • invseetroll
  • crashtroll
  • gamemodetroll
  • + Your ideas

You can only use this plugin for your server/network.
You cannot -Redacted- this plugin.
You cannot decompile this plugin.
You cannot claim you created this plugin.
I am not obligated to update the plugin. This does not mean I won't update it.
You cannot chargeback.

Latest reviews

UPDATE THE PLUGIN PLEASE why don't you update minecraft as if it doesn't stand still like the plugin and now the minecraft version 1.19.3 (with 1.20 content) and the plugin version 3.4.0
Nice plugin but can you upadate him?

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