AnimatedMenu Plus

 AnimatedMenu Plus 3.2.7

AnimatedMenu Plus

Original Link:
Note: I am not as active anymore as I used to be. Check the discussion or reviews for any issues that other people might have before purchasing!



  • Unlimited menus!
  • Everything animatable!
    • Animatable menu titles
    • Fully animatable item data with per-item update delays
    • Dynamic slots per-item
  • Extensive PlaceholderAPI support! Whether it's in an item's name or lore, or in its Material or Slot, you can use placeholders!
  • Advanced click handlers: Different handlers on left, right or middle click, with or without shift pressed. Charge currencies or items for clicking an item, perform special actions on click such as console commands and opening another menu, or close the menu!
  • Item states: Display entirely different items based on permissions, placeholders, money and more!
  • Player inventory items: From animatable server selectors to RPG inventories!
  • BungeeCord global menus!
  • Extra feature: Create polls! Ask your users anything!


1. Download and install the latest AnimationLib..
1b. Optional: Want to use placeholders? Download and install PlaceholderAPI.
3. Download and install this plugin. (Put it in the plugins folder)
4. (Re)start/reload the server. Reloads are discouraged however.
5. A folder, plugins/AnimatedMenuPlus, is created.
6. See for reference.


(These have been made for the free version, but are still applicable here)

English, by DirectorDoc

German (Deutsch), by Herbystar

Portuguese (Português), by AbsintoJ

Spanish (Español), by luisomar0361

Spanish (Español), by Ajneb97


<> = Required, [] = Optional
/animatedmenu help - Open the help menu.
/animatedmenu open <menu> [player] - Open a specific menu
/animatedmenu item <menu> [player] - Give yourself/another player a menu's opener
/animatedmenu reload - Reload the plugin's config and menus
/animatedmenu togglepi - Toggle Player Inventory on or off
/animatedmenu rlbungee - Reload BungeeCord global menus
/animatedmenu trigger - Make clicking a block or mob open a menu

/poll help - View the poll help menu
/poll <pollId> - Open a poll with id <pollId>. See ids in /poll list
/poll create <title...> - Create a new poll with a specified title
/poll close <id> - Close poll with <id>
/poll remove <id> - Remove poll with <id>
/poll list [page] - View the polls list


animatedmenu.command.<command> - Use /animatedmenu <command> - Use /animatedmenu open <menu> <player>
animatedmenu.command.item.other - Use /animatedmenu item <menu> <player>
animatedmenu.openWithItem - Open menus using their opener
animatedmenu.seeUpdate - Receive a message on join when an update is available
animatedmenu.polls.removeOther - Remove other player's polls
animatedmenu.polls.closeOther - Close other player's polls
animatedmenu.polls.max.<count> - Set the max amount of polls a player can have at the same time.


Need help? Reply to the discussion or send me a private message, please do not post it as review. It makes me want to help you less and it also makes it much harder for me to discuss it. You can leave a bug report, ask for help or request features, it's all welcome!

I do not offer refunds. If you have any problems, leave them here as I said above and I'd be happy to help.


Although the configuration side of things is not publicly available, the core of the plugin is open source. It has an API, but a documentation is not yet available. See

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