
Welcome to the Spigot page of "COINS"! Coins is a plugin made for server owners giving their players a possibility to spend a custom currency ingame. These coins can be achieved by for example putting up a buycraft where they buy coins for real money. Also you could give players coins for winning events etc, and lots of options to think of.

So now you've been introduced to getting your own donator currency, you're probably asking yourself: what should my players do with this currency? Well, here's where it's getting exciting!

You get the possibility to create your OWN CONFIGURABLE packages in the configuration file! Create as many as your want or need! Players can buy these packages, which can include permissions, money, items, or whatever you want! You can even set options that someone must've purchased another package, before buying another. And ofcourse you can also set that a player can buy a package more than once!

There are lots of possibilities, try it out!


In this plugin there are a lot of features! I'll list some of them:
  • Ingame coins-items (so you can trade them with other players)
  • Buying packages from coins, which can include whatever you want, for example permissions, items and ranks
  • Customizable messages
  • Flat file support, MySQL support AND Bungee support
  • Lots of configurable options
  • The help page of coins is configurable, which commands to show and which not
  • Upon new version, your old configuration file will be backed up and a new one will be generated.
  • Lots and lots more!

All of the commands that are used in this plugin!

  • /coins, shows you a list of all commands, depending on which permissions you posses.
  • /coins balance/bal, displays your coins amount.
  • /coins balance/bal <player>, displays someone else's coins amount.
  • /coins buy <package_name>, buys the package with the name <package_name>.
  • /coins give <player> <amount>, gives the <player> an <amount> of coins.
  • /coins take <player> <amount>, take the <player>'s <amount> of coins.
  • /coins set<player> <amount>, sets the <player>'s coins amount to <amount>.
  • /coins reset <player>, sets the <player>'s amount to zero.
  • /coins trade coins items <amount>, trade coins to items.
  • /coins trade items coins <amount>, trade items to coins.
  • /coins reload, reloads the configuration file.

For now there are only 3 permissions to make this plugin work, more might be added if buyers want some new commands or options!

  • Coins.IsPlayer, can only use the "/coins amount"-command.
  • Coins.IsAdmin, can use every command.
  • Coins.CanBuy, if someone has the "Coins.IsPlayer"-permission and this permission, they can use the "/coins buy <package_name>"-command.

The configuration file with explanation.

Code (Text):
version: 1.3.0

UseMySQL: false
ip: none
database: none
username: none
password: none

ServerLabel: '&8[&3Coins&8] - '
StartAmount: 0
CoinName: '&6Coin'

SendMessage: true
#Change this message arround as you like! You don't have to use all handlers.
WelcomeMessage: '&7Welcome to the &3Minecraft Network&7, &l{PLAYER}&7! There are currently
&3{ONLINE} &7player(s) online! You currently have &3{COINS} &7dCoins!'

NotEnoughCoins: '&7You do not have enough coins, buy more &3coins &7at: &3!'
NoPermission: '&7You do not have permission to do that!'
GetCoinsAmount: '&7You currently have &3{COINS}&7 coins!'
GetCoinsAmountOther: '&7The player &3{PLAYER} &7currently has &3{COINS} &7coins.'
ConfigReloaded: '&7The configuration file has been reloaded!'
PlayerNotExist: '&7That player does not exist in our database!'
AlreadyBought: '&7You have already bought this package!'
PackageBought: '&7You have spent &3{PRICE} &7coins. You have &3{COINS} &7coins left.'
NotBoughtYet: '&7You do not have the package &3{PACKAGE} &7yet!'
PackageNotExist: '&7The package &3{PACKAGE}&7 does not exist.'
ResetCoins: '&7You have reset &3{PLAYER} &7his coins.'
GetReset: '&7Your coins have been reset to &30 coins.'
SetCoins: '&7You have set &3{PLAYER} &7his coins to &3{COINS} &7coins.'
GetSet: '&7Your coins are set to &3{COINS} &7coins.'
GiveCoins: '&7You gave &3{COINS} &7coins and set &3{PLAYER} &7his balance to &3{BALANCE}&7.'
GetGive: '&7You received &3{COINS}&7 coins. You now have &3{TOTAL} &7coins.'
TakeCoins: '&7You took &3{COINS} &7coins and set &3{PLAYER} &7his balance to &3{BALANCE}&7.'
GetTaken: '&7There are &3{COINS}&7 coins taken away. You now have &3{TOTAL} &7coins.'
NeedHelp: '&7Use &3/coins &7to display help!'
TradeCoinsItems: '&7You have traded &3{AMOUNT} &7coins for items.'
TradeItemsCoins: '&7You have traded &3{AMOUNT} &7items for coins.'
NotEnough: '&7You do not have enough coins to do that!'
TradeHelp: '&7Use &3/coins trade items coins <amount>&7 or &3/coins items trade coins <amount>&7.'
NotEnough: '&7You do not have enough coins to do that!'
NotEnoughItems: '&7You do not have enough coins-items to do that!'

#/Coins display help command#
StartHelp: '&8&m--------------&r&8[ &3&lMinecraft Network &r&8]&m--------------'
UserHelp: #If a player has coins.isplayer permission.
- '&7&l* &3/coins &abalance/bal&7, displays your coins balance.'
BuyHelp: #If a player has coins.canbuy AND coins.isplayer permission.
- '&7&l* &3/coins &abuy &6<package>&7, buys you a package.'
AdminHelp: #If a player has coins.isadmin permission.
- '&7&l* &3/coins &abal/balance &6<player>&7, displays another his balance.'
- '&7&l* &3/coins &agive &6<player> &3<amount>&7, give a player coins.'
- '&7&l* &3/coins &aset &6<player> &3<amount>&7, set someone his coins amount.'
- '&7&l* &3/coins &atake &6<player> &3<amount>&7, take a coins amount away.'
- '&7&l* &3/coins &areset &6<player>&7, reset the &3coins &7amount of a player.'
- '&7&l* &3/coins &atrade &6coins items &3<amount>&7, trade coins to items.'
- '&7&l* &3/coins &atrade &6items coins &3<amount>&7, trade items to coins.'
- '&7&l* &3/coins &areload&7, reloads the configuration file.'
EndHelp: '&8&m-------------------------------------------------'

Amount: 3500
Message: '&aThank you &7for buying this package!'
SingleBuy: true
PurchaseSound: true
PackageRequired: none
- $say {PLAYER} bought package1
- me I just bought package1!
Amount: 2000
Message: '&aThank you &7for buying this package!'
SingleBuy: false
PurchaseSound: true
PackageRequired: package1
- $time set 0
- me I just bought package1!

money: 1000
- ''


Some extra information you might need while using this plugin.

  • These commands can be used to trigger EVERY event: /coins /tokens /credits, just change messages in the 'help menu section' in the configuration file. Default: /coins
  • Currency name can be changed in the configuration file.
  • The welcome message is just a little addition to the plugin so you can display the amount of coins upon login. This can be disabled!

One of the many options you can use COINS with, is with GUI-Menu plugins! For example: MyMenu. You can create your packages in a GUI and when they click the package, they buy it. Simple as pie!

The only thing you have to do is set the MyMenu command to:
- coins buy <package_name>


Buying a package, while not having enough coins (Configurable message)

Example how you can use MyMenu with this plugin:

Buying a package through the menu and set the custom commands to "/say hi", note the thank you message in the configuration file!:

Trying to buy the same package again:

Using the command "/coins":

Still looking for someone to make a video on how everything works!
Thank you for taking a look at my plugin page! If you have bought this plugin and you want me to add/change something, send me a message and I'll get right to it!

Latest reviews

Awesome plugin! But the first time I downloaded it i had error.
But this plugin is awesome. I reccomend do download

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