
Important SECURITY information
  • The plugin does not steal your minecraft account. Check the sources yourself or ask any developer of your real trust to do that.
  • You should be careful with other plugins as it is always possible that they steal the login information out of the source file (i can't remove the possibility)
  • Just download this plugin from this page (or to be safe.
Currently skin uploading is not available due to the update of 2.0!
There are no plans to re-enable automatic skin uploading currently. There is just a very small chance I will handle bugs of this resource.
  • Can change every player's skin (just on your server while this plugin is running)
  • You and everyone else are able to see the skin!
  • Can download skins from urls (requires input of account)
  • Can set the skin of any player to any player.
  • Highly configurable.
  • Supports all plugins changing the player's tab name.
  • Once you have prepared a skin for usage, its data is cached and does not need to be reloaded from mojang server-side.
    • You can create a cache of many skins which likely never expires.
  • The name above the user's head stays the same.
  • Seems to create little to no lag.
  • Getting a player's skin data is limited by mojang: once per minute per player per ip:
    • Supports proxies to make the process to its fastest (currently ~35 seconds for one skin cache process with upload)
  • You have to input at least one account (email, playername, password, uuid) in order for downloading a skin from an url to work.
  • Preparing a skin can take some minutes (if your upload is not too bad)
  • BungeeCord is supported, but not as a bungeecord plugin yet.
Just type in /customskins, /skinchange, /changeskin, /cs or /sc to see the command help.
Installation instructions
  • Download the latest version of the required plugins.
  • Download the plugin from the blue download button.
  • Put all three (3!) jar files into to your server's plugins folder.
  • Restart your server.
  • Report bugs (if any) to the plugin discussion.
Alternative Downloads
You can use my jenkins server to download both minecraft-change-skin and custom-skins: (currently default download redirects to that).
After updating the config, do not reload the server. To update the config, run the command /cs reload
Permissions / Commands:
Aliases for /customskins:
  • /cs
  • /changeskin
  • /skinchange
  • /sc
Permissions are easy:
Every subcommand has the permission customskins.<subcommand>

Already available commands:
/cs - Shows the help
/cs prepare <skinname> <url> - prepares the skin at the given url to be set
/cs resetme - resets your skin to the default one
/cs set <name> <skinname> - sets the skin of the player with the given name to the skin of the given playername or the downloaded skin
/cs get <playername> - prepares the skin of the given player to be set
/cs prepare <skinname> <url> - prepares the skin at the given url to be set
/cs setme <id/name> - sets your skin to the skin of the given playername or the downloaded skin

Planned commands:
These are crossed out or gray-colored if you look at the help at your server.

/cs deletefull <skinname> - delets the skin with the provided skin name fully
/cs resetall - resets ALL skins to the default ones
/cs info <player> - shows informations about the current skin of the given player

Upcoming features (maybe in the next years):
  • Support hidden players, so they don't get shown in the player list after they changed their skin.
  • Prepare another player's current skin easier.
  • BungeeCord support (change skin on whole network) as BungeeCord plugin
    • Currently it looks like online-mode: true bungee is supported for subserver-wide skins.
  • Create API for other plugins.
  • Cache skins of joining players, automatic caching
  • Additional checks whether the skin was already changed when getting the data after changing / tweaking wait times default to be optimal.
  • Implement the missing commands.
Note: The size of the jars of minecraft-change-skin and custom-skins are as huge as they are because I used and included some bigger libraries that are not present in spigot itself to make the plugin more easier to code and maintain and also less errors as the included libraries are well-known and supported by a large community.

License: Modified GPL v3

Source code (git):

Metrics: (in newest versions not included, due to service instability and huge downtimes)
Versions published here before v1.0-SNAPSHOT-50 included Metrics.
This plugin uses Metrics, to track anonymous data about servers using this plugin. It will help the future developement, and has no impact on your server's performance. If you really want to disable it, go to the file plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml and set opt-out: true. Stats can be seen here:

About to write a review?
Do so, but please put Bugs and Errors into the discussions and not the reviews.
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