
A while ago, a friend had a plugin idea. It was to make server owner's lives much easier. Here, I present KitAdder. KitAdder is a plugin designed to capture the owner or admin's inventory, and turn it into an Essential kit with the name of your choice. So far, everything works, apart from adding Fireworks and Books. They shall come soon.

==== Features ====

* Create a kit with a name without touching the config.
* Delete a kit without touching the config.
* Rename a kit without touching the config.
* Names, lores and enchantments.
* Player heads compatible.
* Leather item colors.
* Splash potion support.

==== Permissions ====

* ka.create - Used to create a kit.
* ka.delete - Used to delete a kit.
* ka.addto - Used to add the item you're holding to a kit.
* ka.idadd - Used to add an item id to a kit.
* ka.rename - Used to rename a kit.

==== Commands ====

* /createkit <kitname> <cooldown> - Used to create a kit.
* /deletekit <kitname> - Used to delete a kit.
* /addtokit <kitname> - Used to add the item you're holding to a kit.
* /idadd <item id> <quantity> - Used to add an item id to a kit.
* /renamekit <oldkit name> <newkit name> - Used to rename a kit.
* /kits - Used to list kits. This is a default Essentials command.

==== Requires ====

* Essentials

==== Coming Soon ====

* Support for fireworks.

==== Metrics ====

* This plugin uses a Metrics service. Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true.
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