Thank you!
Your plugin is absolutely amazing and adds to much variety to a server! However, since updating to 1.14.2, the plugin functions, but does not give XP or gain any levels. Is this a known issue?
Amazing Plugin!
our players and myself Love mcMMO and have already bought classic but wanted to give this a try,
I love what you are doing sharing this awesome plugin to the community who cannot afford it yet and I'm sure I speak for a lot of other BSMC users when I say I'll defiantly consider purchasing this when I'm not in so much debt xD
it would be great to see more premium plugin authors do this in the future, it really does benefit everyone!
Plugin works perfect with no issues at all
amazing work
Defiantly recommend giving this a try
I was not expecting this plugin to be on here, thnx nossr50. People on my server ask for stuff like this but I can't really afford it. If I ever get money to support you I will definately support you by buying the premium plugin on spigot :)
love the plugin but sadly i cant use it. i need it for 1.8.9
love it
It's perfect.
very good no issues on 1.14
I thank you for doing what every premium plugin author should do.

Premium plugins were never meant to be a for profit operation creating a monopoly over the community. All resources should be available to server owners as Mjang intended. Users of blackspigot who can afford to... go support this amazing developer!
Thanks for the kind words <3
good leak
Thx man! :D
Minecraft is unplayable without this plugin.
This plugin is the best one! thank you for uploading this
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