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 Quest Creator 1.5.12

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Do you plan to create a RPG or MMO server, but you think that creating & programming the quests is expensive, long and/or laborious ? Or are you a server owner that want improve his Factions server with some adventures for his players ? Maybe you created a survival server with your friends and you want to add some details in the game. Let's even say that you want organize a Minecraft event and you want the guests to have a good time.

QuestCreator can do all of this for you, in just a few clicks. From the simplest mob-killing objective With its advanced and simple configuration system and/or its easy-to-use in-game quest editor, you can create pretty much anything. Each player can even have a different story, with an advanced branches, variables and conditions system, allowing you to make different choices and stories depending on the player's choices during the quests.

It's very important to understand that QuestCreator's main purpose is to create quests quests, but it can also be used to create miscallenous server mechanics. If you just want certain things to happen when you do a bunch of actions, or have like events happening daily, and more mechanics like that, it's possible.


Key points of the plugin :
  • 80+ objects types : From breaking blocks, shooting projectiles or even fishing, the possibilities are endless. Each quest can have an infinite amount of objects. You can even use PlaceholderAPI to define your own custom objectives.
  • Create and edit quests in-game with an advanced GUI (inventories) system. See the video trailer below.
  • Complete, fully understandable and easy configuration system for each quest, if you don't want to use the in-game editor.
  • Configurable menus system (GUI, inventories) for your players with advanced configuration for every items, such as submenus, quests, quest groups, commands, or display items.
  • The player can influence his quests and make his own story through his progress in your server. There is an advanced variables system for each player, which makes that the quests completed by the player or the choices that the he makes can have an influence on the current quest or even future quests. You can easily manage different branches and paths, and also create secondary objectives (additional or mandatory ones).
  • Solo and/or coop system : 1, 2, 5 or even 10 players can be together in the same quest. (infinite amount)
  • Limit a quest for an amount of players simultaneously or limit the quest access by different criterias, such as permission node or required items.
  • NPC integration : Citizens NPC can be moved and objectives can be created to interact with them.
  • Active community discord, quick support and frequent updates ! Bugs are usually fixed under a week, and I also add features that the community suggest, pretty quickly. ^^
  • Assign quests to NPCs or blocks.
  • Particles above NPCs heads when there are quests available for a player.
  • If you stop the plugin (reload, restart or stop your server), or if a player disconnects during a quest, everything will be paused, and resumed where is was left on the next start/reconnection.
  • Actionbar with the current objective and its progression.
  • Auto-cancel inactive quests / auto-start quests, on some conditions for example / cooldown for quests / ... etc, there are a lot of minor settings like this. Check the example quest on the wiki !
And more ! Check the wiki to see a list of objects for example, or come and ask some questions in my discord ! :D

This trailer is a little outdated (< 2.0.0) but still relevant.


Here you can find all the explanations over the plugin.
Click here to see the plugin's wiki.


In order to work perfectly, this plugin needs :
  • Java 7 and up
  • Spigot 1.7.2, 1.7.9, 1.7.10, 1.8.9, 1.9.4, 1.10.2, 1.11 or 1.12 (others versions may work but it's not guaranteed, for example custom Spigot versions like Paper)
  • Required : the latest version of PyrCore
  • Optional : Citizens for NPCs, and any other integrated plugin that is in the integrated plugins list (upper, under 'features)
You can configure the plugin in this folder : /plugins/PyrCore/

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