✅ SafariNet - Premium Mob Catcher plugin

 ✅ SafariNet - Premium Mob Catcher plugin 1.16.2

update pls
update pls
Love this plugin! Please update! D:
Excellent Plugin, just waiting for the new update.
Great plugin, but update please :D
Great Leak but for some reason it keeps disabling.
In console it just says;
[SafariNet] Disabling SafariNet v1.12.71
Doesn't work with 13/43 mobs so if you plan on capturing any witches, mooshrooms, horses, blazes, elder guardians, guardians, parrots, silverfish, skeletons, spiders, squid, strays, or zombies, sorry but you won't be able to. Fortunately you can capture any other mobs. It does support Mythic Mobs if you enable it as so in the config but certain traits will break. Custom head mobs appear as invisible and my rainbow changing armor zombie will only spawn with the color of armor he was right-clicked on with the SafariNet egg.
It does what it says :D
only sad that mythicmobs is not supported
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