
SpigotVIP XLRewards 2.3.2


Will only officially support the latest versions of Spigot.
If you want a version for earlier spigot versions, please contact me on Discord.


Here is a list of all the features that XLRewards will give you. It's fully configurable as well.
  • MySQL Support
  • Customizable rewards GUI
  • Customizable cooldown
  • Customizable messages
  • Customizable rewards
  • Custom Item creation command
  • Consecutive reward tiers and timeout!
  • Customizable playtime rewards
  • *NEW* Supports CustomModelData for Custom Items
  • Rewards with specific permissions
  • UUID Support
  • Works with Skyblock, Factions, Prison, Survival, Minigames, Hub, and all the other game modes!
  • Easy-to-understand plugin
  • *NEW* Automatic Claiming of available rewards!
  • Easy-to-learn plugin
  • Built-in playtime system (no extra plugins required)
  • Built-in placeholders (no extra plugins required)


Here you can check all the permissions and commands that you might need.

/rewards - xlrewards.use by default
/rewards reload - xlrewards.reload

Perm for following commands: xlrewards.admin
/rewards create [rewardId]
- creates a new reward and selects it.
/rewards select [rewardId] - Selects a reward and allows you to edit it.
/rewards help - brings up a list of all commands.
/rewards name [name] - Set the rewards name
/rewards displayname [displayname] - Set the rewards displayname.
/rewards type [REWARD_TYPE] - Set the reward type
/rewards public [true/false] - Set the public boolean value
/rewards cooldown [cooldown] - Set the cooldown of selected Reward. (ex: 13h)
/rewards sound claimed/unavailable [SOUND_EFFECT] - Set the desired sound effect.
/rewards permission [permission] - Set the permission required to claim.
/rewards playtime [playtime] - Set the playtime required to claim.
/rewards avi [customItemId] - Set the display item when reward is available.
/rewards uvi [customItemId] - Set the display item when reward is unavailable.
/rewards slot [slot] - Set the slot of the reward in the rewards gui
/rewards message claimed/reminder [message] - set the desired message.
/rewards rewards add/remove [reward args..] - Add/Remove a reward from the rewards list.
/rewards ctimeout [time] - Set the consecutive claim timeout time. (ex: 13h)
/rewards infinitecd [true/false] - Set wether the cooldown is infinite or not.
/rewards reset <player> <rewardId> - Reset the claimed time for a player.

Custom Item Commands: (xlrewards.admin for all commands)
/ci - Open the CustomItem Menu, to view and get all created Items.
/ci(console) - Sends a usage Message with all Available SubCommands

/ci [itemId] - Get the CustomItem

/ci create [id] - Create a new CustomItem, also selects it.
/ci select [id] - Select a CustomItem to edit
/ci name [name] - Set the name of the selected item.
/ci displayname [displayname] - Set the displayname of the selected item.
/ci material [MATERIAL] - Set the Material of selected item.
/ci lore [lore..] - Set the lore content of selected item.
/ci glow [true/false] - Set wether the item should have enchant glow effect.
/ci reward [rewardId] - Set the items associated Reward.
/customitem custommodeldata [CustomModelData] - Set the CustomModelData value of selected item.


Here are some previews about the plugin when it's live. You can also see the plugin in action on zeuscommunity.mc.gg


If you have any suggestions then send me a PM here at Spigot. I'd love to hear some feedback and requests from you all!


Found an issue or bug with the plugin? Don't post them in the reviews section, you can simply just send me a message on discord or PM here at Spigot and I will reply to you inside 24-hours.

Discord: https://discord.gg/JPnBGBh

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