ChatStyleX [EssentialsX] edited essentials messages properties and config file!  ✔ 1.8-1.15 ✔

ChatStyleX [EssentialsX] edited essentials messages properties and config file! ✔ 1.8-1.15 ✔ 1.2-RELEASE


Active Member
xTritoniX_ submitted a new resource:

[EssentialsX] File ★ ULTIMATE DESIGN ★ NEW STYLES SOON ★ - Customise your EssentialsX's messages with this irreplaceable file.

EssentialsX messages! Customise your server with irreplaceable design on almost every message of EssentialsX!

As the file is new it haven't lot of features, but with the time it gonna has more and more! For now it has only one style it is gray-red style. Messages with CONTROL ». I'm going to add 1 new style every day, if I have time.

Now it's time for installation:

1. Install EssentialsX
2. Restart your...

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