(REQUEST) Shop - a simple, intuitive shop plugin


New Member
So I would like someone to leak the plugin Shop - a simple, intuitive shop plugin. Here is a link if you want to read more about it: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/shop-a-simple-intuitive-shop-plugin.9628/ and I would like it because I think that everyone has tried ChestShop and it just doesn't seem to be working for them because that plugin is severely outdated. The price is $9 and I think I (and other people who are on BlackSpigotMC) deserve it because most of them have had enough with the ChestShop plugin. Buggy and outdated. The Shop plugin has been around for about a year and I think that most of us deserve it and should get it without having to pay for it (that's what BlackSpigotMC is for, right?) Anyway, if this context was a bit to explanatory for you, I also have the condensed version with WifiSpy's format.

Name: Shop - a simple, intuitive shop plugin
Spigot Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/shop-a-simple-intuitive-shop-plugin.9628/
Why I want it: I would like it because I think that everyone has tried ChestShop and it just doesn't seem to be working for them because that plugin is severely outdated.
Why I deserve it: The Shop plugin has been around for about a year and I think that most of us deserve it and should get it without having to pay for it (that's what BlackSpigotMC is for, right?)


no one knows...


New Member
Thx for all the support in this post. Keep bumping everybody! ;)

bump.exe, bump.sh, and bump.bat

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