Restart your server automatically today, and clear some of your RAM for a faster, smoother Minecraft experience. You will need to update your BAT. and .SH files for this to be accomplished. The basic structure of the plugin, is that it's basically typing in /stop every certain amount on hours, and displays warning messages on when the server will restart!
I would like to thank Numero Uno, for doing this showroom for me. I went on YouTube, and was curious did anyone make a video for this plugin, since my old was private and I found this video! Please subscribe to Numero Uno, I appreciate what he did. Like the video, watch it, and everything. Thank you to all.

Code (Text):

* Restarts on hour interval, able to use decimals on config!
* Restarts at a specific timestamp!
* Broadcasts reminders, customizable in minutes on config!
* Broadcasts final reminders on last 5 seconds!
* Editable reminder messages!
* Editable shut down messages!
* Editable seconds messages!
* Option to enable/disable on screen pop ups, on different events!
* Change restart time in-game.
* Integrated update check.
* MultiCraft support!
* Force saves world when restarts!
* Able to Start, or Pause the server timer in-game!
* Reminds you every minute that timer is paused!
* Automatically updates your old configuration file!
* Customizable popup messages!
* Customizable popup timings!
* Add color codes to shutdown messages!
* Execute commands before the server restarts on an X amount of seconds.
* Configurable to enable, and disable commands on last seconds, and
change the amount of seconds before done so.
* Added Max Players Exception.
If the server restarts and you have 11 players online
and you set the max players to 10
your server wont restart until someone leaves
and the player amount is equal to or less then 10.
* Configurable Max Players Exception!
* Change restart delay.
* Change amount of max players.
* Enable/Disable feature.
* Set exception message when too many players online.
* Set message before delayed restart when the amount of players have been met.
* Shutdown message for Max Players Exception!

Photos of version 2.8.1!


Code (Text):
@Echo off
java -jar Spigot.jar
goto start


Code (Text):
while true
java -jar Spigot.jar

Code (Text):
/autore help Shows help screen
/autore time Shows exactly when is the next server restart
/autore now Restarts the server now!
/autore reload Reloads the config file (This will reset the timer!)
/autore in Sets the time the server will restart in.
/autore pause Pauses the server AutoRestart timer.
/autore start Starts the server AutoRestart timer.

Code (Text):
/autore help
/autore time autorestart.time
/autore now
/autore reload autorestart.reload
/autore in
/autore pause autorestart.pause
/autore start autorestart.start

Code (Text):
## Change Log
## Version: 18
## Added Update finder notification system.
## Enable or disable this feature.
## Control message popup.
## Control prefix for plugins when they popup.
## Version: 17
## Added mutliline support for broadcast messages.
## And Max-Players Alert message
## Control your prefix. Only in MutliLine support.
## Its a list of strings.
## Version: 16
## Removed "config.main.multicraft"
## Added "config.main.restart-script"
## Version: 15
## Added "config.main.timestamp.*" for TimeStamp restart configuration.
## Version: 14
## Fixed Type for "config.main.interval"
## Merged "config.popups" and "config.timings"
## Added "config.popups.messages.shutdown" popup configuration
## Changed "config.commands.commands" to "config.commands.commands-list"

## Main plugin configurations
## The time is set by hours (DECIMALS ALLOWED)
interval: 6
## Now you have the ability to restart in a certain time!
## Enables or Disables the Timestamp feature
enabled: false
## Time the format for the time is 24-hour time, and hh:mm
## Make sure to leave the '
time: '00:00'
## !!!! IMPORTANT !!!!
## If your server is running under MultiCraft, set this to true!
## This option will restart your server using the Spigot.yml restart script file.
## You have to have Spigot for this to work, this is perfect for MultiCraft users, because it is automaticlly setup
## According to my knowledge it is.
## With this enabled, you do not have to edit the startup script, this will allow you to stop the server,
## Without having it to start back up automaticlly.
restart-script: false
## The shutdown message on when the server restarts.
## Color codes now enabled! Use regular chat colors!
shutdown: '&cServer Restarting! We will be back up any minute!'

## Reminder Settings
## Enable or disable reminders
minutes: true
seconds: true
## Sets the reminder time for when to show reminders
## Reminder is set by minutes
## This will show how much time before the restart to notify players when the server
## will restart!
- 15
- 10
- 5
- 1
## This is saying when should the plugin start counting down the seconds for a server restart?
## This is not like the minute reminders. If you set to 5, it'll start saying the "seconds message"
## every second, STARTING AT 5 seconds before restart!
seconds: 5

## Enable or Disable the broadcast
## Show the broadcast on the minute reminders!
minutes: true
## Show the broadcast on the last seconds of a server restart!
seconds: true
## Show the broadcast when type /autore time
time: true
## Show the broadcast when typed /autore start or /autore pause
status: true
## Show the broadcast when the server time has been changed!
change: true
## The configuration for broadcast messages
## Prefix for broadcast, this is applied to (minutes, seconds, time, status, and change)
prefix: '&f[&7AutoRestart&f] &e'
## %m - minutes
- '%p'
- 'Server Will Restart In %m Minutes!'
## %s - seconds
- '%p'
- 'Server is restarting in %s Seconds!'
## %h - hours, %m - minutes, %s - seconds
- '%p'
- '&cServer restarting in &f%h&cH &f%m&cM &f%s&cS!'
## There are no tags for this section.
- '%p'
- '&cAutoRestart timer has started!'
- '%p'
- '&cAutoRestart timer has been paused'
## %h - hours, %m - minutes, %s - seconds
- '%p'
- '&cServer now is restarting in &f%h&cH &f%m&cM &f%s&cS!'

## To understand ticks. 1 second is relevent to 20 ticks! So a second and a half (1.5s) is 30 ticks!
## Fadein, stay, fadeout are the 3 arguments. You can edit how long it takes to fadein, fadeout etc.
## You can also put the fade numbers to 0, and then the popup's will be instant!
## Also you can edit the delay, to make the title popup, and then the subtitle half a second later.
## Get creative!
## Enable or Disable the 1.8 Popups!
## Show the pop ups on the minute reminders!
minutes: true
## Show the pop ups on the last seconds of a server restart!
seconds: true
## Show the pop ups when type /autore time
time: true
## Show the pop ups when typed /autore start or /autore pause
status: true
## Show the pop ups when the server time has been changed!
change: true
## This section is for the customization of the popup messages!
minutes: ## %m - minutes
text: '&cServer Restarting In'
delay: 0
fadein: 20
stay: 40
fadeout: 20
text: '&f%m &cMinutes!'
delay: 0
fadein: 20
stay: 40
fadeout: 20
seconds: ## %s - seconds
text: '&cServer Restarting In'
delay: 0
fadein: 20
stay: 40
fadeout: 20
text: '&f%s &cSeconds!'
delay: 0
fadein: 20
stay: 40
fadeout: 20
time: ## %h - hours, %m - minutes, %s - seconds
text: '&cServer Restarting In'
delay: 0
fadein: 20
stay: 40
fadeout: 20
text: '&f%h&cH &f%m&cM &f%s&cS!'
delay: 0
fadein: 20
stay: 40
fadeout: 20
status: ## There are no tags for this section
text: '&cAutoRestart has started!'
delay: 0
fadein: 20
stay: 40
fadeout: 20
text: ''
delay: 0
fadein: 20
stay: 40
fadeout: 20
text: '&cAutoRestart has been paused!'
delay: 0
fadein: 20
stay: 40
fadeout: 20
text: ''
delay: 0
fadein: 20
stay: 40
fadeout: 20
change: ## %h - hours, %m - minutes, %s - seconds
text: '&cServer Restarting In'
delay: 0
fadein: 20
stay: 40
fadeout: 20
text: '&f%h&cH &f%m&cM &f%s&cS!'
delay: 0
fadein: 20
stay: 40
fadeout: 20
text: '&cServer is now'
delay: 0
fadein: 20
stay: 40
fadeout: 20
text: '&cRestarting!'
delay: 0
fadein: 20
stay: 40
fadeout: 20

## This section will allow you to run Console Commands before a given amount of seconds
## This will allow you to enable, or disable the last second commands.
enabled: false
## This is when the commands will be executed. IN SECONDS
time: 5
## List of commands to execute
- '/place your commands'
- '/in this fasion'

## This section will notify your players when your plugins in your plugins folder has updated. AutoRestart will search
## through all your plugins, and save their version number into memory, then compare on restart.
## This will allow you to enable, or disable the update finder notification system.
enabled: true
## This is the time the server will check for updated plugins, and broadcast the changes.
## This is in minutes.
time: 3
## This is the message that will popup when autorestart finds updated plugins.
## %p is the prefix - %n is the number of plugins changed - %s is the "'s" that will be added for correct grammer.
- '%p'
- '&cAutoRestart has found &f%n &cplugin%s that will be updated during the restart!'
## This is the message that will broadcast every plugin that was found.
## %p is the plugin name.
plugin: '&f- &c%p'
## This will allow a message to popup when there is no plugins found in the update.
## Enable or Disable this feature.
enabled: true
## The message that popups
## %p is the prefix
- '%p'
- '&cThere is no updates found during this restart'

## This will stop your server from shutting down if you have more than X amount of players configured in "amount".
## Enable or Disable this feature
enabled: false
## The max amount of players allow for a restart. If you set this to 10, and your server has 11 people online
## your server will not shutdown until there is 10 or less amount of players.
amount: 10
## The delay for the server to restart after restart cancel. In seconds!
delay: 10
## Message settings
## The message broadcasted when too many players are online on restart!
## %a - amount
alert: '&bToo many players online for restart. Max &f%a&b amount of players allowed for a restart. Waiting for people to leave!'
## This message appears when the amount of players are met after restart cancel!
## %d - delay
shutdown: '&aServer now restarting in &f%d&a seconds!'

version: 18

Code (Text):
* Add more features (Need more reviews for ideas!)
* Make it where the server restarts on crash!
* Use the way the /restart spigot command works, instead of an infinite loop.
* Play a sound when an alert pops up.
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