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well this isnt working at all
Great add-on. Btw dont use this in because they are going to suspend your server
A really nice add-on. I have a request from the developer. Adding Java Agents. We can write java agents to the config file.
-Duser.timezo to = Europe / Sofia
Thanks to this agument, I can make my server clock the same as my own city and do events automatically. However, when the server I received is in another country, problems arise. Would you update to add this type of agument?
Invalid plugin.yml when the server starts. What can i do?
Snoop Doge
Snoop Doge
has nothing to do with this jar
It's no longer working on Server.Pro they Patched it I guess
It says
"[INFO] MC server teminated. Exiting..."
Please update this resource :)
Snoop Doge
Snoop Doge
you cant bypass it once its fixed
It's no longer working on Server.Pro ... already detected.
Snoop Doge
Snoop Doge
sorry my dude
work! but after some restart console say me "**** FAILED TO BIND TO PORT" this jar create a problem with bind port! attention!
Snoop Doge
Snoop Doge
thats a problem with your server not with the jar
This still works in but from now on 100GB is not available for servers , Try set it to 45GB it still works 8)
Snoop Doge
Snoop Doge
your welcome my guy
What if there is no custom jar option?
Snoop Doge
Snoop Doge
Then you are out of luck
Snoop Doge
Snoop Doge
Gang gang
thanks to this perfectly on now i got 20gb ram server from 1gb to on 35gb setup but thats too much..any one having problem on this ill make a vid for you..
Snoop Doge
Snoop Doge is hella expensive, but glad it works for you
OMG DO NOT DOWNLOAD!!!! If using multicraft it basically takes your server access away. I just managed to save it but DO NOT put it in multicraft, it may work on other platforms but jeese I got the fright of my life!
Snoop Doge
Snoop Doge
Liar liar pants on fire
Where's mcf.conf file?
Snoop Doge
Snoop Doge
it automatically generates on first time you load the jar up
Please someone make video for this PLEASE
Snoop Doge
Snoop Doge
not needed, learn to read in english
It's a FANTASTIC jar file. Who says that "[FATAL] JAR FILE NOT SPECIFIED / DOESENT EXIST." you need to change the basic jar in the mcf.conf file. In default it's a minecraft_server.jar or something like that and you need to specify another jar file to run. So It's very simple and useful.
Snoop Doge
Snoop Doge
Thank god someone understands
Doesn't work.
Explain further.

Snoop Doge
Snoop Doge
if you would learn to read and not just download and leave a bad review
it works thx
thx dude, It works fine :)
Snoop Doge
Snoop Doge
your always welcome ;D
[WARNING] Initial attempt to file ourselves failed, attempted method #2. This ma
y silently fail, if on Windows, slots will not work.
[WARNING] Command Line detection does not work on Windows, and such some feature
s may not work, such as Slots, or bypassing Java shortcut limitations.
[FATAL] GENERIC FAIL - LOADING MINECRAFT!!!! Cannot run program "C:\Users\flia\Downloads\SkyWars\.\spigo
t-1.8.8.jar": CreateProcess error=193, %1 no es una aplicación Win32 válida
at java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(Unknown Source)
at com.javaprophet.mcserver.MCServer.main(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.jarinjarloader.JarRsrcLoader.main(JarRsrcLoa
Caused by: CreateProcess error=193, %1 no es una aplicación
Win32 válida
at java.lang.ProcessImpl.create(Native Method)
at java.lang.ProcessImpl.<init>(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ProcessImpl.start(Unknown Source)
... 7 more


Snoop Doge
Snoop Doge
this does not work on a personal computer, or a VPS only works on servers with a server panel
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